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  • Marketing Opportunities

    Increase your outreach!

  • Monthly Event Sponsorships

    Luncheon - $750 - $2000

    • Recognition as the exclusive Luncheon Sponsor
    • Two admissions to the Luncheon
    • An opportunity (10 minutes) to address the attendees (100+)
    • Company link/logo on web page
    • Company logo throughout presentation and table displays
    • All pre/post promotion 


    Business Over Breakfast - $125

    The Kyle Chamber's Wednesday-morning breakfast event provides an opportunity to connect and promote your business prospective partners in a relaxed and energetic setting.

    • Recognition as the exclusive Business over Breakfast Sponsor
    • Two admissions to Business over Breakfast
    • An opportunity (5 minutes) to address the attendees
    • Company link/logo on webpage
    • Company logo throughout presentation and table displays


    New Member Orientation - $125

    The Kyle Chamber's New Member Orientation event allows you to connect and promote your business to prospective partners in a relaxed and energetic setting. These events are held every other month and provide an opportunity to connect with the newest members of our community and anyone who wants a refresher on the benefits of Chamber membership.

    • Recognition as the exclusive New Member Orientation
    • An opportunity (5 minutes) to address the attendees
    • Company link/logo on the webpage
    • Company logo during presentation and on table display

    Please email marketing@kylechamber.org for available dates!

  • Advertising

    Welcome packets, newsletter, and web promotions

    Annual Visitor's Guide

    Contact: (512) 268-4220

    10,000 copies distributed to Kyle and Texas tourism centers. This year's guide will concentrate on the area's rapid growth. We'd like you to be a part of it. The Kyle Guide is a product of the Kyle Chamber and Hays Free Press. 

    Welcome Packets


    • Advertising: member provides material biannually
      • January - June: $300
      • July - December: $300
      • January - December: $500
    • Distribution: Each member may request 50 Visitor Guides per quarter. Fees will be attached to additional requests. 


    Web Advertising 

    • Banner Ads - May be placed in multiple locations around the Chamber site including; the Chamber Home Page, Events Calendar, Business Directory, and Resource Page.
    • Enhanced Listing - an enhanced listing allows members the option to upload photos and videos; as well as displaying a map and granting unlimited characters on your company page.


    Weekly Newsletter 

    • Commerce Weekly - sent every Monday to all current members (business & community focused)
    • Weekend Update - sent every Thursday to all current members and community members (event focused)
    • $55/week sponsor provided or $75/week for us to design
    • $100 for 4 weeks sponsor provided or $280 for 4 weeks when we design
    • Diamond.png
    • Platinum.png
    • Gold.png
    • Green-Plum-logo-final-logo-squaresign(1)-w500.jpg
    • Silver-Scrolling.png
    • Silver-Scrolling-2.png
    • Bronze.png